Our core values drive everything that we do. They are a part of our DNA. We are, clearly, not perfect.
However, these values represent who we desire to be, and with God’s grace and mercy, are daily becoming.
We are grounded in the belief that the Christian Bible (Old & New Testaments) is the final and only infallible source for all matters of faith and practice, and are committed to preaching, teaching, and living according to its truths.
We are imperfect people playing a role in God’s perfect plan. We will boldly admit our faults, fight for authenticity and refuse to check our baggage at the door. We strive to create a community where everyone can feel safe and valued.
Fueled by Jesus’ death, burial, & resurrection, we are committed to His last words to make disciples, which begins with leading people into a saving relationship with Him.
We are passionate about being the hands and feet of Jesus, reaching beyond our walls to serve our local and global communities.
In everything we do, we will always give our best. Excellence honors God and attracts people.
We go all-in for God because He went all-in for us. We give up things we love for things we love more. It’s an honor to sacrifice for God and His church.
Because we believe life change happens best in relationships, we create opportunities for intimacy with God through community with others.
We are traditional in belief, but unconventional in practice. We will do anything short of sin to reach people who are far from God.
We reflect Christ’s love by showing kindness and empathy to everyone, meeting both spiritual and physical needs with grace.
We rely on prayer as the foundation of our faith, hope, love, and joy, trusting in God’s guidance, provision, and power in all we do.